Dave Demaris

Prioritize your time for what matters to you the most, or you may lose it.

And so it begins...

Name: Dave DemarisAge: 31Occupation: Table Dealer, Security. Advertiser at The House of Virtue.Current Employment/side job: Chocobo Therapist/ Adventurer TherapistSo it begins....post calamity, having lost my memories I was but a teenager. Lost and confused, I had arrived at Bent Branch Meadows seeking succer and shelter. Torn clothing, a bit battered, bruised and no memory of the life I lived before.
I wondered aimlessly through the meadows. I had found myself in the chocobo stables. The sounds of clambering feet and the smell of fresh hay surrounded my senses. Soothing sounds of baby chocobos put my nerves a bit at ease. Amnesia stricken, what was I to do?
Moving forward was all I could do. After a few weeks I began assisting the chocobo keeps in breeding and raising the chocobo, I had found a comfort in this work.
As time progressed, a visitor was received from the all too distant lands of Dravania. The gentleman had a caravan of miscellaneous items to sell.
Having stabled his chocobo for the night the fellow had sparked up a conversation with me. Tales of foreign lands where told over a nice cup of ale. The fellow made mention that he was in need of fresh stable hands in the Dravanian Forelands. Having propositioned me while under the warm amber ale, I could not say no. Accepting his offer, I began to think of everything I'd need for this voyage.
The very next rise of the sun I had packed all that I had. Saying goodbyes to the fellow chocobo stable hands and the inn keeper. It was time for us to go, the Dravanian trader beckoned me over. With my few possessions on my person, we set off. To Dravania!... Many years of assisting wild chocobo had become something of a normalcy. One day, visitors from a high end client were trying their best to tame a very endurance driven, weathered chocobo. I had mind to advise the client to disembark their journey of rangleing said chocobo. "Tis a bit of a farce, this chocobo is wild beyond compare" the clients representatives advised this is the chocobo for their esteamed founder. Having forsaken my word, the clients representatives had fully abandonedmy advice. After many a failure, I assisted them with the robust & swift chocobo. It feathers glowed in the sun with hues of brown and gold. Working with the chocobo considerably over the course of a few days, its became calm and firm. The chocobo was at ease and ready to be commanded as needed. The clients owner had shown up as the representatives were taking a bit too long. That fine autumn morning, I had met the high end client, Mayberry Minami, the founder of House of Virtue. A well known venue around Eorza. The founder of House of Virtue. They addressed their disappointment of the latency of their staff. After having harsh criticism on said staff; Mayberry went straight to the source. Myself, they asked why it was taking so long to receive their prized chocobo. After a conversation, Mayberry had invited me to a drink. As to not be disrespectful to a high end client, I obligated. Mayberry and myself struck up a conversation of the most fantastical dream over several tankards of Tail Feather's in house mead. Mayberry advised me of the finer drinks available at the House of Virtue. Having a wonderful night and being persuaded; talking about cozy venue swirled around thoughts throughout the night. The warmth of my cheeks and happiness I felt... I felt at home. Mayberry asked if I would like to join them in their endeavor to make the most convenient and relaxing venue around Eorza.... and the rest is history...I met a long term friend...